Празднование нового года происходило в ночь на первое ноября. в эту ночь, по древнему поверью кельтов, миры живых и мертвых открывали свои двери, и обитатели потустороннего мира пробирались на землю. кельты называли эту ночь самайном или самхэйном. для того чтобы не стать жертвами духов и привидений, кельты гасили в своих домах огонь, надевали на себя звериные шкуры, чтобы отпугивать незваных пришельцев. на улице возле домов оставлялись угощения для духов, а сам народ собирался у костров, разводимых жрецами , и приносил в жертву животных. после жертвоприношения люди брали священный огонь, чтобы внести его к себе в дом. символом праздника была тыква. она не только означала окончание лета и сбора урожая, но и отпугивала злых духов священным огнем, который зажигался внутри нее. новый год 31 декабря пасха 20 апреля хеллоуин 31 октября день учителей и о хеллоуин в ночь с 31 октября на 1 ноября празднуется канун дня всех святых — хэллоуин. праздник уходящий своими корнями в глубину веков и традициям древних кельтов
Dear Diana, Thanks a lot for your letter. It was a real surprise. I was really pleased to hear that everything is all right with you. Sorry I haven't written for so long but I was really busy. You asked me to tell you about my school life. Well, I started going to school at the age of seven. Now I am in my third year(здесь всё зависит от того, в каком вы классе. В моём варианте указан 3). We have five lessons every day. We have the English language, the Russian language, P.E., Handicraft and Maths. As for me, I study well and never stay at school after lessons. My mother comes and takes me home. And what about you? Do you usually stay at school after lessons? Who do you go home with? By the way, right now we are having spring holidays and I am enjoying myself. When do you have holidays? Anyway, I have to go now. My friend is waiting for me as we are going to the cinema. Hope to hear from you soon. Lots of love, Своё имя
I eat mashed potatoes every Wednesday.
I'm eating mashed potatoes at the moment.
I've eaten mashed potatoes recently.
My mom has been cooking mashed potatoes since the evening
Jack sells pickled cucumbers at the corner of Avenu street.
Kate is eating pickled cucumbers right now.
John has already sold pickled cucumbers.
Vera has been making pickled cucumbers since early morning
I buy spice sauce day after day.
Look !! Kate is not eating boiled chicken with spice sauce
I have never eaten spice sauce.
I have been doing dishes since 1959 year without any spice sauce.
A healthy diet is the most important way for Tim.
My healthy diet is getting better every day.
I have visited the doctor. He told me that You should correct your diet to a healthy diet without sugar.
I've been eating certain foods for 10 years. There is a healthy diet
It's Morgan's favorite number two side dish.
Alan is not eating the side dish, He is eating sausage.
I should have packed some side dishes.
Greg hasn't been eating rice as a side dish for 5 years.
When I eat cakes, I put on weight greatly.
Young dudes are putting on weight so fast
You've put on weight again.
Moli has been putting on weight since she lost daddy.
Marilyn losses weight every six months.
Jane is losing weight at the workout at the moment.
I haven't lost weight yet
Uncle has been losing weight since he left USA
My morning starts with a nourishing drink
Brother-in-lowe is drinking the nourishing drink in my room.
I've already sent all the nourishing drinks by train.
I've been packing nourishing drink in the boxes since 8 o'clock
Strawberry looks quite appealing.
The Cake is fresh and it's looking totally appealing.
Have you made anything that looks appealing?
Pancakes have been looking appealing for fifty minutes