Поставьте глагол to be в нужную форму и переведите предложения.
1). The office is… repaired every year.
Офис ремонтируют каждый год
2). The text will be… translated at the next lesson.
текст будет переведён на следующем уроке
3). The goods were… paid last month.
За товары оплатили в месяце
2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужное время в Passive Voice, и переведите предложения.
1). The delegation are being met at the airport.
Делегацию встречают в аэропорту
2). He was asked many questions after the lecture.
Ему задали много вопросов после лекции
3). When Tom called the children were being told an interesting story.
Когда Том позвонил, детям рассказывали интересную историю
3. Вставьте нужные предлоги и переведите предложения.
1). This offer has been insisted on… for a long time.
На этом предложении настаивали долгое время
2). The teacher is being listened …to attentively.
Учителя слушают внимательно
3). She was being waited for… while we were cooking supper.
Ее ждали, пока мы готовили ужин
4. Задайте вопрос, начиная со словами в скобках.
1). The contract is being discussed at the moment. (What)
What is being discussed at the moment?
2). The children were shown a new film. (When)
When were a new film shown?
3). The newspaper will have been delivered by the evening. (By what time)
By what time will the newspaper have been delivered?
5. Измените предложения в страдательный залог.
1). They wrote the book two month ago.
The book was written two months ago
2). The nurse is looking after the patient.
The patient is being looked after
3). Sabby locks the gate every night..
The gate is locked every night
6. Переведите на английский язык.
1). Проблему уже обсудили, когда папа вернулся домой.
The problem had already been discussed when father came back home
2). Работа будет сделана завтра.
The work will be done tomorrow
3). Мне сказали прийти утром.
I was told to come the next day
нужен ответь
Дайте ответ
Rachel, Sarah, Tom and Jack are four friends. They are studying biology at a University in London. Rachel and Sarah have a small apartment near the river. Tom and Jack have an apartment across from the University. Rachel, Tom and Jack, old friends from Manchester. One Sunny day, four friends go to the Park to prepare for an important exam. They don't work out much because it's so hot. Then they decide to play "Frisbee". Tom isn't very good at Frisbee. He throws a "Frisbee" but it hits an elderly man. The older man is annoyed. And this is their anatomy Professor from the University. The Professor looks at Tom and says: «Playing games? You have an exam next week». At this moment, a man runs and grabs the Professor's bag. Rachel sees him and shouts: «Stop that man! Tom puts out his foot and stops the man. He has the Professor's bag». Tom puts out his foot and stops the man. Jack, Tom, and Sarah are holding a man. Rachel calls the police. The police arrive in 5 minutes and take the person to the police station. Now the Professor is very happy, because there are many important documents in his bag.
6 type
8 wrong
9 gets
10 не знаю
11 fast
12 is on наверное...
13 walks
16 at
19 go
20 expensive