1 a played b found 2 a baked b opened 3 a visited b played 4 a did b worked 5 a slept b worked 6 a gets b has 7 a read b didn't talk 8 a plays b swims 9 a is writing b am jumping 10 a was watching b was doing 11 a read b didn't talk 12 a read b didn't talk 13 a plays b swims 14 a goes b sits 15 a do b works 16 a sleeps b work 17 a read b didn't talk 18 A begins B don't walk 19 a are lying, drawing b is working 20 a are living b is working 21 a were cleaning b was waiting 22 a was getting b was decorating 23 a were talking b was talking 24 a was talking b was working 25 a were watching b was preparing
1) Employment will be higher next year.
a) is b) will be c) would be
2) The economist’s prediction wasn't correct three months ago.
a) hasn’t been b) weren’t c) wasn’t
3) During my presentation I will be describing the key benefits of our new service.
a) will describe b) will be describing c) have described
4) It`s not a difficult job. We will have finished by lunchtime.
a) am finishing b) will finish c) will have finished
5) When did you arrive in this city?
a) did/arrive b) have/arrived c) are/arrived
6) After they finished their work, they went home.
a) have finished b) has finished c) finished
7) She completed the report at 5 o’clock yesterday.
a) complete b) completed c) has completed
8) John was a Sales Agent. He was working overtime at that time to save up for a car.
a) worked b) is working c) was working
9) By the end of July next year they will have tested new machinery.
a) will test b) will have tested c) are testing
10) When I came to the office, Mary was translating the article.
a) was translating b) has translated c) translated