To itch - to rub your skin with your nails to trot - to walk with short quick steps to bite - to use your teeth to cut or break something in order to eat to shout - to say something in a loud voice to offer - to let someone know that you will give them something if they want it to fetch - to go and get something Рада что смогла
Last summer, we were sailing off the coast of New Zealand when we saw a group of dolphins. They were jumping in the water. We stopped and i dived into th water to take some photos of the dolphins. I was taking photos when one of the dolphins swam towards me and pushed me towards the boat. The other dolphins were watching us all the time. They did not play anymore. I was looking around and saw a huge shark. I got out of the water very quickly. When I got on the boat, the dolphins disappeared at once. They saved my life.
Когда я в зоопарке, что я вижу? Много смешных животных смотрят на меня. Я вижу длинного жирафа, который кушает с дерева. Я вижу глупых мартышек, которые смеются надо мной. Я вижу умного дельфина, который плавает в морской воде. Я вижу тюленя, он хлопает раз, два, три! Я вижу ленивую ящерицу сидящую на солнце. Я вижу большого кита, который веселится. Я вижу детеныша бегемота, который учится бегать. И одного крокодила, который просто плачет! [ dʒɪˈrɑːf ] - жираф [ ˈmʌŋ.ki ] - обезьяна [ ˈdɒl.fɪn ] - дельфин [ siːl ] - тюлень [ ˈlɪz.əd ] - ящерица [ weɪl ] -кит [ ˈhɪpəʊ ] - бегемот [ ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl ] - крокодил
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