1 COuntry
2 gallery
3 Exhibition
любой вид деятельности - any kind of activity
свободное время - free time
удовольствие - pleasure
почти любого возраста - of almost any age
общие категории - general categories
могут частично совпадать - may overlap
изделия ручного труда - handicrafts
живопись - painting
графическое искусство - graphic art
много возможностей - many opportunities
магнитофонные записи - tape recordings
изучение балета - ballet study
масляные краски - oil paints
акварельные краски - watercolours
самый распространенный - the most common
марки и монеты - stamps and coins
автографы - autographs
пуговицы - buttons
мастерски - masterfully
вовлекаться в - get involved in
вязание крючком - crochet
шитье - sewing
наборы - sets
керамика - ceramics
изготовление ювелирных изделий - jewelry making
соревнование - competition
физические упражнения - physical exercise
боулинг - bowling
рыбалка - fishing
скалолазание - rock climbing
становятся чрезвычайно популярными - become extremely popular
частные коллекция книг - private collections of books
основа (ядро) некоторых библиотек - the core of some libraries
мирового значения - of global significance
тематические коллекции - thematic collections
особенно ценят - especially value
издания с автографом автора - autographed copies (of books)
по определенной теме - on a specific topic
научная беллетристика - science fiction
тысячи томов - thousands of volumes
насколько возможно - as far as it's possible
различные языки - different languages
необычной формы - of unusual shape
уникальные иллюстрации - unique illustrations
на ярмарках-распродажах - at fair-sales
welcome back to my blog for a little mid-week discussion post. just over a week ago i was very kindly invited to head to the aldo shoes store on oxford street to pick up some gifting and show you guys all of the fabulous things they have in store at the moment over on my instagram stories, which if you haven’t already seen you can catch up on in the ‘events’ section of my highlights.
i went into the store at midday and it wasn’t actually too busy in there which i feel added to the whole shopping experience as it seemed a lot more interactive with the staff, who made i add were all amazing in helping me with what pieces to pick, they were also very knowledgeable in the area of their products which as a shopper is key. they made sure anything i wanted to view/try on was fresh from the stock room which just added a fabulous level of customer service. all of the staff were lovely, if you’re ever popping by i totally recommend having a little look because let me tell you making my selections was not easy!
my final picks consisted of a scarf, bag, and a pair of boots. i kept to a very neutral theme so i could wear all of the new pieces at once and show you guys how i would style them up this season. the boots are a mid-length style something that i don’t already own so i was very eager to get them! and the light-toned bag and scarf are just the perfect simple accessories to have in your wardrobe to go with everything!
scroll down to see some pictures from the day and how i styled my chosen items
1) country
2) gallery
3) exhibition