13. Ann said she hated borrowing other people's things.
14. My friend asked me why he had decided to turn back.
15. James said that I was (were) kidding and he had just read about that.
16. Jane asked how long I was (were) going to stay there.
17. She said to us to look at that and added he was on a life support machine.
18. He said they didn't teach anything about politics.
19. James asked me when they had run out.
20. Our teacher said that she didn't agree that boys always got into fights.
21. My friend said why I was (were) talking to a stranger.
22. Andrew said that he thought she worked in a bank.
23. He said he wasn't tired and he could go for a walk with me.
24. She said to me it had been snowing for two hours.
25. Nellie said she would never read his novels again because she had had enough of that.
26. Her mother said she liked to dance and she went to the discos almost every day.
27. The secretary said there was nobody in the office because the staff had gone home.
28. John's mother asked us to wait for him a little because he would be ready soon.
29. He asked them whom they were waiting for.
30. The boy's mother said she wanted to talk to us about that and sdhe asked us what that was.
31. Father wanted to know why she hadn't paid repairs yet.
32. The librarian said to children to return books in time.
33. Dan asked them where they had been the previous night.
34. The teacher said the children were doing their sums then.
35. Kate said she had read the story and now she was making up a plan.
36. Bill wanted to know if we were playing tennis that afternoon.
37. Ann said about Jack he never thought about other people.
38. Mary asked us what had happened to Jane the previous.
39. Helen said it would take her an hour to cook the dinner.
40. My parents said to my younger brother to cross the street when the traffic light was green
Russian painters had started their (1) unHeard of experiments with light and modified colour schemes before they visited France and got acquainted with French impressionism.
And yet, there is a difference between Russian and French impressionistic (2) Depiction in terms of their subject matter, light and colour scheme .
As far as French artists were concerned, they portrayed life differently in (3) COMPARison to Russian painters.
However, Russian impressionists never attempted to break away from (4)REALity.
Strictly speaking, Vasily Polenov can be regarded as a path (5) BREAKer in this field.
He was one of the first Russian painters who visited Paris in the 1870s and became (6) ENORMOUSly fascinated by impressionism.
He didn’t abandon his own distinct painting style, but he made every effort to (7) FAMILIARize his students in Russia with his French findings and encouraged their own artistic explorations.
Thanks to his (8) ENTHUSIAStic support, his like-minded contemporary artist Konstantin Korovin felt confidence to work differently.
The Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and (9) ARCHITECTure had never had landscape painting classes as this genre was seen as the one for amateurs.
V. Polenov was the first to introduce such classes and he was (10) VIRTUALly besieged by students who wanted to paint nature.