1 She's happy, healthy and rich. She's_ 2 Many people have a — of the dark. 3 My aunt doesn't like black cats. She's very_ 4 I never win anything. I'm _ 5 I think the number 13 is unlucky. It's my_
I have not decided what I would do when I'm an adult. The choice of vocation - not an easy task, because the interesting professions in the world is very mnogo.zhelayuschy become a police officer is obliged to be in excellent physical shape, be resolute, courageous and cautious. Anyone who stands guard over the safety of citizens, as they say, on combat wing to be extremely resilient and responsible because of its clear and confident action often depends not only on the order, but also the lives of citizens and co-workers. However, the profession of police officer is not only shooting and chasing criminals, as many believe. It is also a documentary work, strict and rigorous implementation of which is necessary for normal functioning of the entire system. So the policeman is obliged, perfect knowledge of the laws and the ability to protect themselves and other citizens from all sorts of dangers and problems.
- I think I`ll be a model - A model? What do models have to od? - A lot of interesting things. I must learn how to wear clothes, how to pose before cameras. - Do you have to sell clothes? - Oh no. Models don`t have to do things like that. I have to help designers to sell their clothes. - What elsemust models do? - I don`t know yet. But I know that models must be slim and pretty. But my mum says that I must think much about my appearance. Firs of all I must think about my school. That`s what`s important.
1. lucky
2. fear
3. superstitious
4. unlucky
5. superstition