ответ: на английском.
Personal pronouns in English include the following pronouns: I - I. you – you, you. he - he. she - she. it is it. we are us. they are them. me - me, me. him -he. her - she. us -we. them - they. Personal pronouns denote persons or objects in terms of their relationship to the speaker.
Объяснение: вот если надо на русском.
К личным местоимения в английском языке относятся следующие местоимения: I – я. you – ты, вы. he – он. she – она. it – оно. we – мы. they – они. me – я, мне. him – он. her – она. us – мы. them – они. Личные местоимения обозначают лиц или предметы с точки зрения их отношения к говорящему.
You ask: Have you played tennis before?
He says: No, this is the first time I`ve played tennis.
3) Sue is riding a horse. She doesn't look very confident or comfortable.
You ask: Have you ridden a horse before?
She says: No, this is the first time I`ve ridden a horse.
4) Maria is in London. She has just arrived and it's very new for her.
You ask: Have you been in London before?
She says: No, this is the first time I`ve come (arrived) to London.