Kazan Zoo is one of the biggesr zoos in Europe. it was founded like a botanic garden in 1806 year by Karl Fux. Now Kazan zoo takes part in international programm which is trying to save some rare animals such as white-taled eagle and cinereous vulture. And there are a lot of wild animals there. It is a bear, a kangaroo and a lot of birds. казанский зоопарк один из самых больших в европе. он был основан в 1806 году карлом фуксом как ботанический сад. сейчас казанский зоопарк принимает участие в международной программе, которая пытается таких животных как белохвостый орлан и черный гриф. а еще там много диких животных. это медведи, кенгуру и множество птиц
1. Yes, they do 2. Football, because it is the national sport of the country 3. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, squash, canoeing and snooker. 4. Manchester United, manchester City, Arsenal, Chelsea. 5. Rugby is a certain type of football. 6. Helmets, masks, chest and shoulder padding. 7. No, it is a summer sport. 8. Cricket game takes terribly long time and can be last up to five days. 9. Because Wimbledon is the oldest and the most prestigious tennis tournament. 10. No, it takes too much time and it is boring.