В третьем предложении (Maria will send the tomorrow.) ошибка - что она отправит завтра?
1) We invited them to the party.
They were invited (by us) to the party.
2) The students ate the entire cake.
The entire cake was eaten by students.
3) Maria will send the (???) tomorrow.
The (???) will be sent by Maria tomorrow.
4) The scientists have researched all options.
All options have been researched by the scientists.
5) We are investigating all possible leads.
All possible leads are (being) investigated (by us).
6) They speak Spanish in that restaurant.
Spanish is spoken in that restaurant (by them).
7) My mother bakes fresh bread every day.
Fresh bread is baked by my mother every day.
8) The storm knocked down the tree.
The tree was knocked down by the storm.
9) Mel criticized the manager for his incompetence.
The manager was criticized by Mel for his incompetence.
10) He was building the house when the typhoon hit.
The house was being built by him when the typhoon hit.
По вертикали получается raccoon- енот
0 t u r k e y
1 r a b b i t (кролик)
2 с o w (корова)
3 d u c k (утка)
4 o s t r i c h (страус)
5 h o r s e (лошадь)
6 h e n (курица)
Present Indefinite – My eldest sister works at the psychological center.
Present Continuous – I am hearing a lesson material and writing an abstract at the moment.
Present Perfect – Have you ever lost your key?
Present Perfect Continuous – He has been preparing for the test since lunch.
Past Indefinite – We danced all the time
Past Continuous – We were having dinner at five o'clock yesterday
Past Perfect – She had phoned me by that time
Past Perfect Continuous – ...
Future Indefinite – I promise, we'll discuss the plan tomorrow.
Future Continuous – He will be working at 8 tomorrow
Future Perfect – ...
Future Perfect Continuous – ...
значок "..." – означает, что я не могу дать ответ, т.к. на это уйдет некоторое время, которое я не хочу тратить