Task 2. Реттік сандарды пайдаланып келесі күндерді дәптерге жаз. Мысалы: The New Year is on (31.12). – The New Year is on the thirty-first of December. (Жаңа жыл – отыз бірінші желтоқсанда.) 1) The Women’s Day is on (08.03). 2) Victory Day is on (09.05). 3) Christmas in Kazakhstan is on (07.01). 4) Christmas in America is on (25.12). 5) St. Valentine’s Day is on (14.02).
— Hi!
— Hello!
— How are you?
— Fine, and you?
— I moved into a new house.
— Really?
— Yeah.
— And where are you living now?
— On the Main Street, house number 39.
— Where is it?
— If you are going from your house, you'll have to pass one house, turn left, pass four more houses and you'll be in mine home.
— Oh, there is shop nearly, yeah?
— Yeah, and it's close to the theater and for the nearest cinema 10 minutes.
— Cool, so I'll come to you tomorrow, ok?
— Of course, and we can go to the zoo.
— Yeah, nice idea, lad.