Match 1–11 with the verbs from the box to make collocations. Use each verb only once. deal drop expect feel go look make pay start study take 1 take somebody’s temperature 2 jealous 3 skydiving 4 a baby 5 with bad times 6 a complaint 7 for a degree 8 a business 9 like your parents 10 out of university 11 rent 1 point f
Hello, you either have antibiotic zatrin?
- There zatrin, and still have it cheaper substitute azithromycin. You tablets or capsules?
- I'm in tablets. And how much is it zatrin? I'd rather take something that is expensive.
- One hundred and sixty rubles fifty kopecks.
- How many pills in the package?
- Six pieces.
- And what dosage?
- Each tablet of five milligrams, it is for adults. Children need to be given on the half tablet. Do you sell?
- Yes, that take the two hundred rubles a trifle.
- Here's your change and medicine. Thank you for your purchase!
- All the best!