How many students have created the Nature Madness Club?What award did they win?What is the Nature Madness Club about?Does their teacher support her students?What has the club done to make the classes more interesting?What kind of events have they organised?Я так понимаю, надо еще выписать словосочетания с past simple из этого текста:
a group of students came up with...Alicia ..., Gina ..., Clive ... created ... and wontheir club hadword soon got aroundNature Madness was funthey had over...members took partthey took classesthe whole team helpedthe members organisedthe mayor gavetheir teacher ... saidКак-то так, удачи :)
Now I want to describe picture number 1. This photo was made probably at school during the lesson and a schoolgirl is depicted on it. This photo could have been taken the same way 30 years ago, when everyone was wearing the same clothes.
This girl is writing an essay while she is posing in front of the cameraman. She looks cute as every child. She wears school uniform as sweater with children's dress. Also this girl wears her hair in a knot. I can say that this picture reminds me of my childhood so I really like it.
2) I can see a horse. It is big.
3) I can see a van. It is black.
4) I can see a star. It is little.
5) I can see a dog. It is good.
6) I can see a cat. It is bad.
7) I can see a door. It is red.
8) I can see a bench. It is green.