Precipitation caused by environmental pollution is a global environmental problem. The frequency of their appearance increases every year, which worries not only the scientific community, but also the public. Toxic precipitation negatively affects the human body, the flora and fauna of the planet. Walking under the acid rain, you can encounter heart and lung pathologies. General information Acidic is not only called rain, but also other types of precipitation (hail, snow, fog), which contain acids. That is, such precipitation is characterized by a reduced hydrogen index, which characterizes the level of hydrogen ions in the liquid. The higher the
Осадки, вызванные загрязнением окружающей среды, являются глобальной экологической проблемой. Частота их появления с каждым годом возрастает, что беспокоит не только научное сообщество, но и общественность. Ядовитые осадки негативно влияют на организм человека, флору и фауну планеты. Прогулявшись под кислотным дождем можно столкнуться с сердечными и легочными патологиями.
Общие сведения
Кислотными называют не только дожди, но и прочие виды осадков (град, снег, туман), в составе которых присутствуют кислоты. То есть для таких осадков характерен пониженный водородный показатель, характеризующий уровень ионов водорода в жидкости. Чем выше концентрация водородных ионов, тем кислее жидкость
Acid rain is a type of meteorological precipitation, which is a mixture of moisture and the smallest particles of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide in concentrations exceeding the normal natural background. Sources of acid rain are natural processes, such as volcanic activity or decay of plant residues, as well as human activities, which are expressed in the emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil and motor fuels. Acid rain occurs when gas emissions react with water, oxygen, and other chemical elements in the atmosphere to form various acidic compounds.
b) His mother said that he was feeling better that day.
c) They said they would go fishing the next weekend.
d) Carol explained that she had visited James the previous Saturday.
e) She said he had just decided to travel to Spain the next year.
f) She said she liked that dress.
g) They explained that they couldn't go because at that moment they were studying.
h) He told me he would do it for her.