Фото 2 и англичани кто шарит задание:Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений). План ответа вам: • the place • the action • the person’s appearance • whether you like the picture or not • why Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”
ответ: I would like to describe picture №2. The picture shows a young girl. She is in the garden. In my opinion she is relaxing and reading her book. The girl is wearing white blouse and skirt. I like this picture
because I like to read too. That is all I wanted to say.
This person of high growth, is shortly cut, hair fair-haired, direct. The person good-natured, opened, eyes gray. Lips chubby, dimples on cheeks. Cheekbones high, it is smoothly shaved. The nose is a bit snub-nosed. It is wide in shoulders, carries a gray suit from expensive fabric, fashionable trousers, a white shirt with a collar, at a tie. Leather shoes. It is charming, young. Brad Pitt. Этот человек высокого роста, коротко подстрижен, волосы русые, прямые. Лицо добродушное, открытое, глаза серые. Губы пухлые, ямочки на щеках. Скулы высокие, гладко выбрит. Нос немного курносый. Широк в плечах, носит серый костюм из дорогой ткани, модные брюки, белую рубашку с воротничком, при галстуке. Кожаные туфли. Обаятелен, молод. Бред Питт.
1. When do students answer the teacher's questions? Whose questions do students answer during the lesson? 2. What words does Smirnov learn at home? (какое второе выделенное слово?) 3. When do you usually translate long texts from English into Russian? What kind of texts do you usually translate from English into Russian at your lessons? What do you usually translate from English into Russian at your lessons? 4. What does your daughter usually read in the evenings? When does your daughter usually read books? 5. Whose wife does know French well? What does your friends wife know well? How does your friend's wife know French? 6. Who does often tell you about her work? What does she often tell you about? 7. When do you go to the ministry? Where do you go after breakfast? 8. Who does often speak to you about English lessons? What does he often speak to you about? 9. Whose son do read French badly? How does Mike's son read French?
ответ: I would like to describe picture №2. The picture shows a young girl. She is in the garden. In my opinion she is relaxing and reading her book. The girl is wearing white blouse and skirt. I like this picture
because I like to read too. That is all I wanted to say.