1. Ideally he'd like to find himself _a plum job _ in New York. 2. When Tom started neglecting the customers, he was told to __work to rule ___. 3. Dad says he's going __to hang up his boots__ at the end of the year. 4. He's a tough negotiator; he knows all the __tricks of the trade__. 5. In protest against the new measures, the employees decided to ___ shape up or ship out__. 6. She's a __number cruncher__ who perfectly understands the organization’s financial situation. 7. Jenny has a very interesting job, but she's _ paid peanuts __. 8. Charlie is out there __ pounding the pavement __ since he lost his job. 9. __back-room boys__ don't always receive the credit they deserve for their work. 10. After causing a diplomatic incident, Carter got his walking papers.
One of the most striking (CHANGEs) in the family structure over the last twenty years has been the increase in the number of single parent (FAMILies). Due to high divorce (RATEs) and adults choosing not to marry, this is currently the fastest growing family form in most developed (COUNTRies). More than half of all (YOUNGSTERs) will spend some of their (LIves) in a single-parent family. Currently, 88 percent of these (HOUSEHOLDs) are headed by (WOMeN). Research shows that (CHILDren) living with a single (PARENT) tend to be more active and have more (DUTies) such as shopping, cooking or washing the (DISHes). They are also more careful about their school (RESPONSIBILITies). One possible (REASON) for such a change is that they are usually more involved in decision-making (ACTIVITies).
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