2. Toys like dolls, electric train sets and Lego are still enjoyed by kids. 3. In many countries, for instance in Japan, fish is an important part of the diet. 4. Apparently, people are attracted to partners who look like them. 5. It's been shown that coffee can increase short-term memory. 6. 'Soft' subjects as Media Studies, Sports Studies and Dance are no longer being offered in some colleges. 7. Take the case of twins who were separated at birth and lived identical lives. 8. It's a well-known that children under five who watch too much television lack basic communication skills.
Мій улюблений тип Спорт волейболу. Спорт допомагає мені бути здоровим. Кожна середа і суботу ми з друзями піти на роботу, Ми беремо участь у багатьох конкурсах, де часто занімаємо перші друзі places.My брати участь у таких видах спорту, як бокс, плавання, футбол, шахи. Студенти моєму класі є кращими футболісти школи .. Я дуже хочуть мати всі види спорту.
My favourite type of sport it volley-ball.Sport helps me to be healthy. Every environment and Saturday we with friends go for employment, We participate in many competitions, where often занімаємо the first places.My friends participate in such types of sport as boxing, swimming, football, chess.Students of my class are the best footballers of school.. I very want to own all types of sport.
3. In many countries, for instance in Japan, fish is an important part of the diet.
4. Apparently, people are attracted to partners who look like them.
5. It's been shown that coffee can increase short-term memory.
6. 'Soft' subjects as Media Studies, Sports Studies and Dance are no longer being offered in some colleges.
7. Take the case of twins who were separated at birth and lived identical lives.
8. It's a well-known that children under five who watch too much television lack basic communication skills.