сделай те Это текст: Al the top was a huge castle. lock counted six tall. gold fowers. He upened the large door and walked quletly inside An ugly giant lived in the castle. He was aslerp in the huge kitchen. Next to the enormous giant was a tiny brown hen in a small gold cage. The hen locked tadly at lack. "Please, help me," it said. "i always live in this cage 1 cannot walk I cannot open my wings. I never see the sky" Jack lived on G small farm with his mother. They were very poor. One day Jack's mother said, "My dear son, please take aur cow to the town, Sell her. Come back with the money" Jack walked across the fields to the river. A man was cn the bridge. "That's a beautiful cow, " he said. Ive got five special beans. Please give your cow to me and take these beans." He showed the bearis to lack "They're very pretty caloun, sald lack. "Please take my cow annd give your beans to me." lack smiled He was pleased with the special beuns, jack opened the cage and picked up the little hen, He walked quickly to the beanitalk and he climbed down. Jack walked home. He showed the beons to his Just then the giant opened his eyes. "Where is my hen? he shouted The angry giant walked to the beanstalk and he lecked down, Ti can see you!" he roared at jack. Tam coming!" mother but she was cross. She pushed theni out of Jack's hand All the special Jack jumped onto the ground He picked up an axe and chopped down the beanstalk beans were on the ground "Go to bed. Jack," she said. The giant did not climb down the beanstalk In the morning, lack looked out of the window. A huge beanstalk was next to the house. The top of the beanstalk was above the clouds, The little hen clucked happily. A shiny gold egg was on the ground. Jack and his mother were surprised. It was a very special hen! Jack climbed the beanstalk.
Igor Smirnov. Yes, we do.
Hostess. Your name, please?
Igor Smirnov. Smirnov.
Hostess. OK, Mr Smirnov. Right this way, please. (Shows a table)
Igor Smirnov. Could we get a table by the window?
Hostess. Yes, of course. This way, please. Is it OK?
Igor Smirnov. Yes, thanks a lot.
Hostess. Have a nice time.
Waiter. Welcome to Paradise. Here are your menus. I’ll be back to take your order in a minute.
Waiter (After a couple of minutes). Are you ready to order?
Igor Smirnov. Not yet, give us a second, please.
Waiter (After a couple of minutes). No problem. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes…. (After a couple of minutes) What would you like to order?
Igor Smirnov. I’ll have the grilled salmon.
Waiter. And you?
Igor Smirnov’s wife. I’ll have the spaghetti.
Waiter. Would you like anything to drink?
Igor Smirnov. I’ll have green tea.
Waiter. And you?
Igor Smirnov’s wife. I’ll have juice. What kind of juice do you have?
Waiter. Orange, mango, apple and pineapple.
Igor Smirnov’s wife. One pineapple juice please.
Waiter. OK. So that’s one grilled salmon, one spaghetti, one green tea, and one pineapple juice.
Waiter (After a time). Here you are. Enjoy your meal.
Waiter (After a time). How was everything?
Igor Smirnov. Delicious, thanks!
Waiter. Would you like anything for dessert?
Igor Smirnov. No, thank you.
Waiter. Can I get you anything else?
Igor Smirnov. No, just the bill please.
Waiter. Sure. I’ll be right back with that… Do you want to pay separately?
Igor Smirnov. No, you can put it all on one bill.
Waiter. (Brings the bill) There you go.
Igor Smirnov. (Give the money to the waiter) Thanks a lot.