М.А.Шолозов Судьба человека Задания: ответьте на вопросы 1) Главная идея произведения? 2) Чем же привлек внимание читателей этот рассказ? 3) Почему рассказ называется «Судьба человека? 4) В чем Соколов увидел смысл своей жизни?
Many children dream of space since early childhood.here i am in kindergarten i wanted to be an astronaut,drawing space ships,alien planets.now,as an adult,i have not abandoned my dreams.read a lot about space,astronauts,flying around the earth,studied astronomy.i'd like to visit space when you grow up and perhaps become an astronaut.i would like to see other worlds,to find out if there is life if there's intelligent beings,maybe like us,maybe not.i imagine our spaceship landed on some planet.here we leave the ship in spacesuits and see someone else's green sky with two small red suns.the ground is a greenish-red color,and plants with red leaves.here far away is lake water, pinkish-green.and if there is on the planet is water,there is life.then out of the water he leaned the muzzle of the creature,similar to our crocodile and mumbled something.we moved away from the lake.suddenly in the grass i saw a key and rushed to his friends.so,on this planet there must be people! just what? we had a meeting with the unknown civilization.that's what i'd like to see in space and why would you like to go there! i would like to see other planet,inhabited by intelligent beings!
Moscow is the capital of russia, its political, economic and cultural center. it was founded 8 centuries ago by prince yuri dolgoruky. historians have accepted the year of 1147 as the start of moscow's history. gradually the city became more and more powerful. in the 13th century moscow was the center of the struggle of russian lands for the liberation from the tartar yoke. in the 16th century under ivan the terrible moscow became the capital of the new united state. though peter the great moved the capital to st. petersburg in 1712, moscow remained the heart of russia. now moscow is one of the largest cities in europe. its total area is about 900 square km. the population of the city is over 8 million people.