2. Fill in the articles where necessary.
Example: What do you think of New Zealand? ->
What do you think of - New Zealand?
1. New Zealand became an official British colony in 1840.
2. The old image of life in NZ as a cultural desert no longer applies.
3. The beach is the only place to be on a hot summer's day.
4. South Island was known as the Canoe of Maui.
5. Robert Scott led two journeys to the South Pole.
6. The Kiwi fruit takes pride of place on top of the eggwhite and sugar dessert known as the Pavlova.
7. Fortunately, we were able to take a day trip to a mountain - Mt Cook.
8. There are thousands of kilometres of tracks leading to . Lake Waikaremoana or the Tasman Sea coast.
3. Read the legend "The Story of Aoraki" and put in the where necessary.
The Story of Aoraki
Mt Cook, New Zealand's highest mountain, is called Aoraki by the Maori.
According to a legend, which explains how the mountain's name came about, Aoraki and his three brothers were the sons of Rakinui, Sky Father. They were on a
voyage around Papatuanuku, Earth Mother, when their canoe was stranded after striking a reef in the ocean. Aoraki and his brothers climbed on the top side of their
canoe. Cold south wind hit them, froze them, and turned them into stone. The legend says their canoe became New Zealand's South Island which was then called Te Waka o Aoraki. Aoraki, the tallest of the brothers, gave his name to the highest peak. His brothers and members of his crew became the mountains of the Southern Alps.
I like Pushkin's poem "I remember a wonderful moment ..." In it, Pushkin sings the feminine beauty. Does not hide his feelings for his beloved woman.
The poet very reverently describes the appearance of a lover. The poem is transmitted in the form of a memory of the appearance in his life of an image of adoration.
And so the time passed, gradually, the author began to forget his beloved lady. His heart was no longer trembling. Monotonously, calmly passed time. Already without quivering feelings and ardent inspirations.
Rereading the poem, I understand how the poet felt at the meeting. He described the most tender feeling - love. Having fallen in love, a person is transformed. Like floating in the sky. He gets inspiration. He wrote a beautiful poem.
He dedicated his work to Anna Kern. It contains a description of all periods in time of falling in love. First, passions boil, the author cannot calmly look at the object of adoration. Then, the lovers stopped seeing each other. And the poet began to forget character traits and her appearance. And tender and passionate feelings gradually faded in him.
Here you feel sadness over the past days, when the soul sang. The author resorts to memories of a wonderful time. A slender, bewitching, young, mysterious girl appeared before him. And it seems to him that it is in this object that both purity and beauty are collected. And the soul came to life. Began to soar. Then the meetings stopped and gradually everything was forgotten. The poet began to live quietly, cast off by the world. In a quiet, remote place. Inspiration disappeared and love went out, cooled down. And the memories again excited the old feelings and wanted to once again experience spiritual anguish, suffering and the most tender sighs.
Having met again, our hero felt trembling feelings and memories surged across him. He felt the old love and anxious experiences. And he created the next quatrain.
I love reading poems about Pushkin's love. I also want to be admired and loved. Dedicated a poem. In telling the poem, I understand the feelings of the poet, his tender love for a beautiful girl. Here are tender emotions, happy moments spent with your beloved lady. For him, everything that is pleasant in the woman is collected in it. The poet recalls a new meeting. Love drives the poet's feelings and performance. All reserve reserves are awakened in him, the soul sings and wants to create.
Мне нравиться стихотворение Пушкина "Я помню чудное мгновение..." В нём Пушкин воспевает женскую красоту. Не скрывает своих чувств к любимой женщине.
Поэт очень трепетно описывает появление возлюбленной. Стихотворение передаётся в виде воспоминания о появлении в его жизни образа обожания.
И вот время, постепенно, автор стал забывать любимую даму. Уже не трепетало его сердце. Монотонно, спокойно проходило время. Уже без трепетных чувств и пылких вдохновений.
Перечитывая стихотворение, я понимаю, что чувствовал поэт при встрече. Он описывал самое нежное чувство - любовь. Полюбив, человек преображается. Словно парит в небе. У него появляется вдохновение. Он написал прекрасное стихотворение.
Своё произведение он посвятил Анне Керн. В нём идёт описание всех периодов вовремя влюблённости. Сначала кипят страсти, автор не может спокойно смотреть на объект обожания. Затем, влюблённые перестали видеть друг друга. И поэт стал забывать черты характера и её внешний облик. И в нём постепенно погасли нежные и пылкие чувства.
Здесь чувствуется грусть по дням, когда душа пела. Автор прибегает к воспоминаниям о чудном времени. Перед ним появилась стройная, завораживающая, молодая, таинственная девушка. И ему кажется, что это в этом объекте собраны и чистота, и красота. И душа ожила. Стала парить. Потом встречи прекратились и постепенно всё забылось. Поэт стал просто тихо жить, отброшенный миром. В тихом, глухом месте. Исчезло вдохновение и любовь погасла, остыла. А воспоминания вновь взбудоражили прежние чувства и захотелось вновь испытать душевные муки, страдания и нежнейшие воздыхания.
Повстречавшись вновь, наш герой ощутил трепетные чувства и на него нахлынули воспоминания. Он почувствовал прежнюю любовь и трепетные переживания. И создал, следующее четверостишие.
Я люблю читать стихотворения о любви Пушкина. Мне тоже хочется, чтобы мной восхищались и любили. Посвятили стихотворение. Рассказывая стихотворение, я понимаю чувства поэта, его нежную любовь к прекрасной девушке. Здесь и нежные переживания, счастливые минуты проведённые с любимой леди. Для него в ней собраны всё, что нравится в женщине. Вспоминает поэт новую встречу. Любовь движет чувствами и работо поэта. У него пробуждаются все запасные резервы, душа поёт и хочется творить.