Мы писали по учебнику,у меня получилось так: Hi,my name's Dasha.I'm eleven old years.I,m from (город,я свой писать не буду).I've got a vintag coins collection!My coins are stored in a box.My coins of different years 1999,1998,1996,1987,1986...Some coins found me,and some of dad.I like coins because they are beautiful.I'm proud my collection!Coins collecting is easy and fun.It makes me happy. Надеюсь хоть чем то посмотри примерное,а там выбери что тебе больше нравится.И да меняла я текст столько раз не из-за ошибок,а из-за малого заряда на планшете,хотелось донести большего,а не напечатать и что бы все пропало.
A. Yes, I have, my bad habits are picking nose and nail biting.
B. Yes, I always bite my nails
C. Good habbits are morning exercises and eating healthy food.
D. Healthy eating habbits are eating only ecological food.
E. Bad eating habbits are eating unhealthy food and overeating.
F. Good study habbits are reading books.
G. Bad study habbits are cheating on the lessons.
H. I don`t have any habbits to cut people off while they are telling their stories.
I. I admire habit of brushing teeth.
J. For developing my good habbits, I must observe them strictly.
K. I think, that coming late is a really bad habbit, I always come in time.