Correc ed
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* Fill in the gaps with the correct form of
the verbs.
1 Alibek
(be) in Wales for
three years now, studying for his degree.
2 Our firm
(launch) two new
products next week.
3 Lunara and Miras
when they
(study) in Nur-
Sultan twenty years ago.
4 A team of scientists
(conduct) serious medical research with
sophisticated equipment for years.
5 He doubts the project
(finish) soon due to financial issues.
6 The opposition party
(appear) to be making ground in the opinion
7 As of next month,
(serve) my country in a public capacity for
six years.
8 You can call Mr Karimov; I think he
(not/work) now.
9 By the end of this year, she
(decide) what she wants to do after her gap
10 Big cities will continue to be extremely
crowded until governments
(deal) with overpopulation seriously.
3. Tom and Julie are learning English this year.
4. This restaurant opens at 9.30 every morning.
5. Our cousins are coming to see us next Sunday.
6. Tom reads the newspaper every morning on the train.
7.Julie usually cleans the house on Saturdays.
8. She is writing a letter to a client now.
9. Julie speaks three languages: English, French and Spanish.
10. Today is Sunday. Tom and Julie are relaxing in their garden.