1 Complete with play or have. Then match with the pictures, b 1 play leap frog 70 at a sack race 2 3 C hopscotch d 4 - tag 5 pe_hide-and-seek 2008 6 Who a blind man's buff e f
1. Automobiles were rushing in both directions and it was impossible to cross the street. Автомобили ехали в обе стороны,поэтому было невозможно перейти дорогу. Were rushing -Past Continuous Active Voice;was -Past Simple Active Voice. 2. The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government. Строительство этой скоростной магистрали активно поддерживается правительством. Is being supported -Present Continuous Passive 3. Until recently, the price difference between the first and second-class tickets on the Spanish Railways had been amounted to 81%. До недавнего времени,ценовая разница билетов первого и второго класса испанских железных дорог достигла 81%. Had been amounted -Past Perfect Passive
1. was moving - past cont, saw - past simp, had been damaged - past perf pass. 2. came - past simp, had arrived - past perf, were hurrying - past cont. 3. is - pres simp, have been produced - pres perf pass. 1. Локомотив двигался на высокой скорости, когда машинист увидел, что линия повреждена. 2. Когда мы пришли на вокзал, поезд уже прибыл, и пассажиры спешили занять свои места в вагонах. 3. Новый самолет Боинг быстрее и роскошней, чем какие-либо другие , когда-либо произведённые транспортные средства.
Were rushing -Past Continuous Active Voice;was -Past Simple Active Voice.
2. The construction of this high-speed line is being actively supported by the government. Строительство этой скоростной магистрали активно поддерживается правительством.
Is being supported -Present Continuous Passive
3. Until recently, the price difference between the first and second-class tickets on the Spanish Railways had been amounted to 81%. До недавнего времени,ценовая разница билетов первого и второго класса испанских железных дорог достигла 81%.
Had been amounted -Past Perfect Passive