язык считается одним из самых богатых и сложнейших языков в мире. это славянский язык, произошедший от санскрита, греческого и латинского языков. он широко распространен во многих странах восточной европы и в странах бывшего .
объяснение: russian language is considered to be one of the richest and most complex languages in the world. it is a slavic language with sanskrit, greek and latin origins. it is widely spoken in many countries of eastern europe and in the former soviet countries.
She the dishes. (has already washed). They their teeth. (have just cleaned). Tom and Jess this film. (have recently seen). I a letter to my friend. (have already written). My cousin his book. (has not found). I can’t find sweets! Who all the sweets? (has eaten). Mike ___ his homework and now is playing in the yard. (has already done). We ___ 3 lessons of Maths! (have just had). Our class the Kremlin. (has lately visited). Susan ___ a tasty cake for her birthday. (has made). You the book by Kipling. (have already read). Jack ___ his tea. (has already drunk)
язык считается одним из самых богатых и сложнейших языков в мире. это славянский язык, произошедший от санскрита, греческого и латинского языков. он широко распространен во многих странах восточной европы и в странах бывшего .
объяснение: russian language is considered to be one of the richest and most complex languages in the world. it is a slavic language with sanskrit, greek and latin origins. it is widely spoken in many countries of eastern europe and in the former soviet countries.