2. What did you do last weekend?
3. Do you do any sport or exercise?
4. What kind of music do you listen?
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. Where do you live?
8. Where did you learn English?
Перевод вопросов:
2. Что ты делал на неделе?
3. Занимаешься ли ты спортом или физическими упражнениями?
4. Какую музыку ты слушаешь?(какие жанры музыки)
5. Что у тебя обычно есть на завтрак?
6. У тебя есть домашние животные?
7. Где ты живёшь?
8. Где ты изучал английский?
Вставленные слова:
do - делать
sport(сущ) - спорт
music(сущ) - музыка
breakfast (сущ) - a meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day(еда, употребляемая утром в качестве первого блюда дня. Проще говоря - завтрак)
pet(сущ) - an animal that is kept in the home as a companion and treated kindly(животное, которое держат в доме в качестве компаньона и ласково обращаются с ним. Проще говоря - домашний питомец.)
live (глагол) - жить
learn (глагол) - to get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity (получать знание или навык в новом предмете/деятельности. Проще говоря - изучать)
I think it would be cool to have a wild animal at home. But you also need to know how to keep it. For starters, I advise you to keep a wild animal in a big house, it would be cool outside the city to make the animal feel safe, you still need to know what food this animal eats, prepare bowls, housing for animals
Of course, there are advantages. Firstly, I think caring for this animal will be interesting, secondly, for people it will be something new and unusual, and thirdly, you can make a new friend
But there are also disadvantages. Firstly, you will need to spend a lot of money to keep a wild animal, secondly, it takes a lot of time to care for, and thirdly, it will not be clear whether the animal will accept you.
I believe that someday I will have my own wild animal. I promise to take care of her. She will be my new and best friend!
прикол в том, что 5 упражнения нужно делать по 4,а ты его не скинула
1) My brother and I skipped school to go to the movies. So next weekend we'll have to stay at home.
2) A terrible sound came from the basement in our old house. I decided to find out who was making this sound and went down there with a flashlight.
3) Yesterday I was at the dentist and while I was waiting for my turn I looked through the magazines on the table.
4) During my vacation, I have accumulated a lot of work, so I will have to work till the night for a whole week.
5) I think we should go on with the meeting and stop wasting time, because otherwise we run the risk of failing to meet the deadline.
снято на тапок, но
2. do
3. sports
4. music
5. думаю лучше lunch вставить
6. pets
7. live
8. learn