1. A design company was started up by W. Morris. 2. The door has been locked by her. 3. This work will not be finished by us tomorow. 4. Boundaries between high and low forms of art are rejected by postmodernism. 5. The orchestra was being conducted by our music teacher. 1. Дизайнерская компания была организована У. Моррисом. 2. Дверь была заперта ею. 3. Эта работа не будет закончена нами завтра. 4. Границы между высокими и низкими формами искусства отвергаются постмодернизмом. 5. Оркестром управлял наш учитель музыки.
A school was started by a young teacher in this village. The lecturer is being listened to with great interest now. This book is often asked for by students at the library. We will (или shall) be given an answer tomorrow. An answer will be given to us by the educators tomorrow. At 6 o'clock yesterday a new play was being rehearsed by students. When I came, a decision had already been made by my classmates. Individual plans of study are followed by all pupils at independent schools. English is learnt by pupils at school. A lot of interesting things about ancient methods of teaching are being learnt by us now. Who(m) will a report about teachers' association be made by?