What does the money mean to us? .Money have become one of the main things in our life .We use money everywhere , to buy some things , that we really need , like food , clothes and a many others .Earning money is not easy , most of people work hard , trying earn as much money as they can .Some of them become crazy , they don’t appreciate such important things as family, friendship, love and other feelings .They think , if they have money , they can buy anything , but it's not true .Such feelings as happiness cannot be sold , because it's not a thing , it's a feeling , that people may experience in certain moments of their life.
1) Легко ли фотографировать(делать снимки)? - Yes, it's pretty simple. 2) Что интересней , собирать коллекцию из чего либо или завести домашнего питомца. - For me, more interesting to have a pet than collecting something. 3) Что люди должны делать , если они завели домашнего питомца. - They should take care of their pet and treat him with love. 4) Что более интересно или полезно для коллекционирования. - You should collect things that you really like, it's not a problem even if they are useless. For me it's interesting to collect coins and stamps from different countries and car models.