Hi I am Ayaulym, I am 12 years old. I'm pretty tall. I have short brown hair and brown eyes. And I have a beautiful smile. In any case, friends say so! I have a big family. I have one brother and two sisters and we are very close. In fact, my sisters are my best friends. We don't have many cousins, so we spend a lot of time with each other. Of course we also have friends. I share a room with my sisters and my brother, but it's a large room, so that's okay. I have a table where I do my homework, and on it is our computer. I have many pictures of me and my sisters! My favorite TV series is The Good Doctor. My favorite actor is Freddie Highmore, because this is a very interesting series and in the future I want to become a doctor. My favorite singers are Jony and Ramil. They have a fantastic voice. And my favorite book is the first Harry Potter book. It is full of passion and magic! Спешите текст почерком как на фотографии
hi I am Ayaulym, I am 12 years old. I'm pretty tall. I have short brown hair and brown eyes. And I have a beautiful smile. In any case, friends say so! I have a big family. I have one brother and two sisters and we are very close. In fact, my sisters are my best friends. We don't have many cousins, so we spend a lot of time with each other. Of course we also have friends. I share a room with my sisters and my brother, but it's a large room, so that's okay. I have a table where I do my homework, and on it is our computer. I have many pictures of me and my sisters! My favorite TV series is The Good Doctor. My favorite actor is Freddie Highmore, because this is a very interesting series and in the future I want to become a doctor. My favorite singers are Jony and Ramil. They have a fantastic voice. And my favorite book is the first Harry Potter book. It is full of passion and magic!
Может и не по этому плану но все же)) What is friendship? Some people will say that it is a feeling of mutual liking between two or more people, other will add that it is a state when one person understands and supports the other one.To my mind friendship can be compared to a tree. Its seed should find good soil and under good conditions it will grow into a tree. As the years go by the tree stands firmer and firmer on the ground. And if it is strong enough, it will survive all the storms and winds. But to help it, we should take care of it and love it.The most important feeling that exists between friends is trust. It newer appears by itself, it's the result of a long friendship and this feeling is very valuable. Respect and tolerance are also very important; it means that you don't criticize your friend's way of living, but try to understand him, discuss problems with him and explain to him what you think is good and what is bad. A friend is a person who can help you in time, lend you any sum of money for a long period of time without any percent, whom you can wake up in the middle of the night just to say you feel worried or who is eager to do everything for you waiting nothing in return, who supports you in all your beginnings and who will never betray you.Lucky are those people who have friends. I'm happy to have lots of friends, too. Some of them are very close, some are less. But all of them make my life interesting and enjoyable.I appreciate friendship. It makes happiness grow brighter and grief less painful, because we have friends to share it with. When we doubt our ability to fulfill our aspiration or to reach our secret goal it is our best friend who gives us a spark of assurance. And we trust our friends and we are grateful to them. Friendship is a bridge between loneliness and fellowship, frustration and confidence, despair and hope, setbacks and success. That's why a true friend is a priceless gift. They are rich who have true friends, says a proverb and I agree.
Киты много дали людям, особенно кашалот, самый известный из всех существующих китов. Своей славой он обязан тому, что когда-то в изобилии водился в большинстве морей и был излюбленной добычей китобоев. К сожалению, это не могло не сказаться на его численности. Теперь кашалот встречается не так уж часто. Ценится кашалот за жирное воскообразное вещество, которое находится у него в голове - спермацет. Оно служит высококачественным сырьем для свечей, косметических кремов и мазей. Но особенно ценным является такое вещество, как амбра, которое образуется в кишечнике кита и, как считают ученые, служит ему для защиты пищеварительного тракта от твердых, словно камень, клювов кальмаров и раковин каракатиц, которых кашалот пожирает в огромных количествах. А люди ценят амбру за то, что она служит прекрасным закрепителем для нежного аромата самых изысканных духов. Используют также костную муку и китовый жир. Но кроме чисто прагматического интереса, киты вызывают у людей огромный научный интерес. Эти животные очень доброжелательны и понятливы. Они легко поддаются обучению. Некоторые ученые считают, что мозг китов по своим возможностям очень близок человеческому мозгу. В последнее время изучением китов серьезно занялись и медики. Так, офтальмологи (специалисты по глазным болезням) занимаются исследованием глаз кита. Они считают, что строение глаза человека и кита практически одинаково, но по своим размерам глаз кита гораздо больше, что позволяет легко разглядеть все детали, которые трудно уловить, изучая маленький глаз человека. Заинтересовало их и то, как глаза китов, ныряющих на большую глубину, выдерживают такое колоссальное давление. Если ученые разгадают эту загадку природы, то, без сомнения, смогут избавить от страданий многочисленных больных глаукомой - болезнью, связанной с нарушением внутриглазного давления. Много интересного и полезного находят у китов и другие специалисты, изучающие особенности организма и поведения этих животных.
hi I am Ayaulym, I am 12 years old. I'm pretty tall. I have short brown hair and brown eyes. And I have a beautiful smile. In any case, friends say so! I have a big family. I have one brother and two sisters and we are very close. In fact, my sisters are my best friends. We don't have many cousins, so we spend a lot of time with each other. Of course we also have friends. I share a room with my sisters and my brother, but it's a large room, so that's okay. I have a table where I do my homework, and on it is our computer. I have many pictures of me and my sisters! My favorite TV series is The Good Doctor. My favorite actor is Freddie Highmore, because this is a very interesting series and in the future I want to become a doctor. My favorite singers are Jony and Ramil. They have a fantastic voice. And my favorite book is the first Harry Potter book. It is full of passion and magic!