I like models that look unusual. Plus-size, unisex, bright and recognisable characteristics make models stand out. I like when models embrace their imperfections and choose to use them as their widely recognised trademarks rather than hide them.
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle
Most of all I like adventure novels. My favourite book is “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. You can find much necessary, useful and valuable information in the book. This novel proved us that human can survive in any conditions. Each character is interesting. Cyrus Smith was well-informed. His mind, purposefulness and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to their persistence they achieved prosperity on a desert island. They could grow rich harvest of wheat from the only seed, build a mill, increase poultry, handle a monkey and build a boat. After the example of Ayrton we see that any criminal can reform. In the novel Jules Verne wanted to prove that people are strong if they are united.
Больше всего мне нравятся приключенческие романы. Самая моя любима книга, это роман Жюль Верна «Таинственный остров». В книге можно найти много нужной, ценной и полезной информации. В романе доказано, что человек может выжить в любых условиях. Каждый герой по- своему интересный персонаж. Сайрес Смит обладал большими знаниями. Его ум, целенаправленность и терпение выжить колонистам. Своим упорством они добились процветания на необитаемом острове. Ведь они смогли вырастить огромный урожай пшеницы из одного зёрнышка, построить мельницу, развести домашнюю птицу, приручить обезьяну и построить бот. На примере Айртона показано, что любой преступник может исправиться. В своём романе Жюль Верн хотел доказать, что люди сильны, если они действуют вместе.
Their uniqueness, confidence and hard work makes them more successful. Many iconic models have their twist, for example Cara Delevinge's unique characteristic is her thick eyebrows, while Cindy Crowford's is her mole above the upper lip. Many successful models were told to remove their imperfections but instead they decided to fight the system and use them to their advantage.
However, some models take it too far. There are some dangerously overweight or skinny models that can set a bad example for young teenagers. While being unique and promoting 'body positivity' is a great thing, some iconic models should understand that many people look up to them so being too overweight or too underweight is unhealthy and can make many easily-motivated teenagers fallow the lifestyle