Writing THINK! Draw your ideal bedroom. In three minutes write a few sentences about it. Compare your room with your partner's. What is similar/different? Tell the class. 5.73 8 My ideal bedroom has got There's a ... in my bedroom My bedroom is cool!
написание подумайте нарисуйте свою идеальную спальню за три минуты напишите несколько предложений об этом сравните свою комнату с вашим партнером s что похоже/отличается скажите классу 5.73 моя идеальная спальня Есть там s a в моей спальне моя спальня классная
1/ I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. 2/ I clean my teeth. 3/ I make my bed. 4/ I listen to music in the morning. 5/ I have breakfast at 7.30.
1/ He usually gets up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. 2/ She cleans her teeth. 3/ He makes his bed. 4/ She listens to music in the morning. 5/ He has breakfast at 7.30.
1/ I don't get up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. 2/ I don't clean my teeth. 3/ I don't make my bed. 4/ I don't listen to music in the morning. 5/ I don't have breakfast at 7.30.
1/ He doesn't get up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning. 2/ She doesn't clean her teeth. 3/ He doesn't make his bed. 4/ She doesn't listen to music in the morning. 5/ He doesn't have breakfast at 7.30.
1/ Do I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning? 2/ Do I clean my teeth? 3/ Do I make my bed? 4/Do I listen to music in the morning? 5/Do I have breakfast at 7.30?
1/ Does he usually get up at 7:00 a.m. in the morning? 2/ Does she clean her teeth? 3/ Does he make his bed? 4/ Does she listen to music in the morning? 5/ Does he have breakfast at 7.30.
1/ When do I usually get up ? 2/ What do I clean? 3/ Whose bed do I make? 4/ What do I listen in the morning ? 5/ When do I have breakfast?
1/ When does he usually get up ? 2/ What does she clean? 3/ Whose bed does he make? 4/ What does she listen to music in the morning? 5/ When does he have breakfast?
Russia,RF Dear,friend Thank you for your last letter. I was very glad when I gave it. Your subject is very intresting. It'll be great idea studying this subject in my school too. I think that you are very cool cook. Usually my mum cooks for our family. Every day we have to eat yougurt and eggs because it's necessary for the health. You ask me what can I cook but I can't cook. I want to study cooking so I do sandwiches every day for the dinner. So I like deserts. ...I like apples pie, cookie and chocolate biscuits to. Usually I eat biscuits with black tea. What about you? Do you like biscuits with a tea or with a coffee? Write me later With love, Имя
написание подумайте нарисуйте свою идеальную спальню за три минуты напишите несколько предложений об этом сравните свою комнату с вашим партнером s что похоже/отличается скажите классу 5.73 моя идеальная спальня Есть там s a в моей спальне моя спальня классная