My family is a very friendly. My mom works at school. My father a very busy man, because he works programmer. My grandma and grandpa aren't work, because they too old. We also have a dog. It is very playful. I love my family!
фиксики существуют
Hello John!
Glad to write to you! I can not write you letter so long, becouse I was very busy. And then, I was falling down. It was a very difficult ill, and my doctor said to me what it was a terrible coth. I drink micsture, and few days later I was normal!
I am going to visit England, becouse I want to learn English more good. But I am afraid, that I can not life with you becouse I was not visiting England before.
What problems will be waiting me in England?
Glad, I will see you!
Call me!
Whith love!
(name of a person)
1) Моя семья хоть и небольшая,зато дружная и крепкая.
2) Я очень люблю проводить время вместе со своей семьёй.
3) На каждые выходные мы вместе ходим куда-нибудь: в парк, театр, кино.
4) В нашей семье есть домашние животные: кошка, собака и хомячок.
5) Моя семья - это самое ценное, что у меня есть. Она для меня лучшая.
на английском
1) My family, though small, is friendly and.
2) I really love to spend time with my family.
3) Every weekend we go somewhere together: to the park, theater, cinema.
4) Our family has pets: a cat, a dog and a hamster.
5) My family is the most valuable thing I have. She is the best for me.