1. Where do you live?
2, What is the capital of Ukraine?
3. Is Kiev one of the biggest cites of Ukraine?
4,wHERE is Kiev situated?
5, What river does Kiev stand on?
6, Are there a lot of bridges over the Dniper?
7, How many briges are there over the Dniper?
8. Are there a lot of trees in Kiev?
9, Is Kiev a green city?
10. What is the symbol of Kiev?
11, Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kiev?
12. Is it is an old city ?
13. Has Kiev many places of interest?
14. What can tourists do in our capital?
15, A lot of tourists visit Kiev every year. don*t they?
16, Why do tourists visit Kiev?
1. Where do you live?
2. What is the capital of Ukrain?
3. Is Kiev a big city?
4. Are there any bigger cities than Kiev?
5. Where is Kiev situated?
6. What river does Kiev stand on?
7. Are there any bridges over the Dniper?
8. Is Kiev a green city?
9. Are there many parks in Kiev?
10. What is the symbol of Kiev?
11. Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kiev?
12. Do you know when Kiev was founded?
13. How old is Kiev?
14. Are there any places of interest?
15. Do many tourists visit Kiev?
16. Do they take pictures of places of interest?
3)is translating
4)are writing