The English love to say "My house is my fortress". Everybody would like to live in a house or a flat of their one. I also imagine the flat of my dream. First of all, l prefer spacy flats. That's why I'd like to have a four-room flat in the centre of a city. I don't like country life very much, and rivers, lakes or seas don't matter for me. It is important for me to have a large living-room, a bedroom and two rooms for children. Besides, there will be a spacious kitchen, a study, two bathrooms and two toilets in my flat. I hope that one day my dream will come true.
Representatives of the genus are low herbaceous plants with simple or double-peristorassečënnymi leaves, composed of many thin fractions [5]. Inflorescence a complex — hemispherical with a diameter of 4 baskets — 20 mm combined in shchitkovidnoe an inflorescence. In basket flowers are of two types: disk space are yellow, tubular flowers are Monoecious, with edge-white ligulate pestichnye (occasionally there are baskets only with tubular flowers). Receptacle is hollow, often conical [7]. The fruit is an achene with three or four thin ribs, with barely noticeable tufted (sometimes without) [7]. Smell a faint, very distinctive. Be pollinated by the following wasps, bees less often. Chamomile flower starts early, her beautiful white-yellow flowers commonly found in March-April, and in warmer areas even in February.
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