1. The birds are high (переводится как «высоко») in the sky.
2. Try to say this difficult word right (переводится как «правильно»).
3. John is working at his English hardly (переводится в значении «усердно»).
4. Yesterday we saw a very funny (переводится как «весёлый») monkey.
5. Where are (т.к. множественное число) my money? They are (т.к. в предыдущем предложении множественное число) on the table.
6. В последнем слове ошибка. Уточни у учителя.
7. Take off this stupid hat, you look ridiculous (переводится как «нелепо») in it.
8. What (т.к. задаётся прямой вопрос) films do you like?
9. Which (т.к. предстоит выбор) would you prefer – lemonade or coke?
10. Your new clothes are (т.к. множественное число) on the bed.
1 I can help you with your homework, if you want.
I don't mind, help you with your homework
2 It's two weeks since I saw my friend Josh.
I Don`t see my friend Josh for two weeks.
3 Il's quite unusual for Ben to travel by bus.
Ben by bus very often.
4 There weren't many people in the cafe today.
There were very muth people in the cafe today.
5 Ted won't be a fast swimmer if he doesn't practise.
Ted won't be a fast swimmer without practises.
6 I think it would be a good idea to see the doctor.
You must to see the doctor.
7 This coat has Tom's name in it, so l'm sure it's his.
This coat has Tom's name in it, so it his.
8 I can't go to the concert because I don't have any money.
If I don`t have money,I could go to the concert.
9 Our English teacher wrote this poem.
This poem were written our English teacher.
10 A professional photographer took my photo.
I had taken photo by a professional photographer.