Перепишите глаголы. В каком они времени? Перепишите эти глаголы в времени и будущем класс The English are proud of their special sense of humor and consider it unique. Brits often say that foreigners, such as the French and Americans, don't understand British jokes. This fact does reflect some differences in what people in different countries and cultures find funny. It is known that the English have a dry sense of humor. It can be very difficult for outsiders to determine whether a person is joking or serious, so: do not be offended by any remark.
Paul- I saw it on TV some days ago and I liked it
Melanie- I got a Hansel and Gretel film and I had been watching it for an hour yesterday evening.
Paul- Yesterday we went with our geography teacher to the Natural History Museum. We had been doing geography tasks and studying dinosaurs for two hours.Have you been to the Natural History Museum yet?
Marc- No, we haven't
Paul- You should see the dinosaurs. Why not go to the museum on Sunday together? Marc- That's great!