Have you ever tried to realize a real harm of fast food on human's body? Over the past twenty years, eating preferences have changed significantly. Lack of time and efforts actively help this terrible habit. There are some important reasons why we must not eat harmful food. Fast food contains a lot of calories, fat, chemical additives. Manufacturers of fast food specially make their products extremely high-calorie. You eat a high-calorie cheap loaf full of chemicals and feel satiated quickly. This is so because producing healthy food is more expensive for manufactures. As a rule, a glass of soda as an addition for loaves contains at least 6 lumps of sugar. All this is a reason of blood cholesterol increase, disrupt metabolism and finally obesity. Fast food contains large amount of salt and sugar. Kidneys suffer from excess of daily allowance of salt. Excessive consumption of sugar can cause diabetes. So, looking through this different consequences we can bravely say no to fast food.
Это ответы по тексту : 1.False . Alexander has an elder brother. 2. False. His brother is a student at the Medical Faculty in Tver State Medical Academy. 3.False . Liudmila Mikhailovna is an engineer. 4.True . She is fond of reading. 5.False. She always checks how they do their homework. 6.False . Konstantin Alexeevich is a plastic surgeon. 7. False. His wife, Liudmila Mikhailovna arranges the free time of their sons. 8.False. Alexander's grandparents give lectures in universities and write scientific books. 9.True . He likes his home to be clean and tidy . 10. False . It is Alexandr's duty.He goes shopping and cleans the rooms. А вот и перевод : Эти выражения верные или ложные ? Исправьте неверные . 1. У Александра есть младший брат. 2.Его брат учится в театральной школе . 3.Людмила Михайловна повар. 4. Она проводит много времени за чтением книг. 5.Она иногда проверяет уроки Александра и Алексея . 6.Константин Алексеевич профессор в Мед. университете. 7.Он организует досуг своих детей . 8.Бабушка и дедушка Александра пишут научно-исследовательскую работу . 9. Александр любит что бы всё было в порядке . 10.В обязанности Алексея входит убираться в комнате .