7. a) In the text, find the derivatives (having the same root) of the following words.
Define the part of speech
a) science->scientist->scientific (adjective)
b) design-> designer (noun)
c) special->specialist (noun)
d) develop (verb)
e) educate->education (noun)->educational (adjective)
f) found->founder (noun)
g) region->regional (adjective)
Students and teachers of the University cooperate with professionals, and make
significant contributions to science – (1)__regionally (region), nationally
and internationally – through the fruits of their research.
Research and (2)___development (develop) activity at Oxford consists of four
(3)educational (educate) institutes, more than 70 departments and
colleges; the academic staff (teaching and research) consists of 1632
(4)specialists (special).
In the year of 2008 Oxford had the largest number of (5) scientific
(science) research works in a total of 48 fields.
Oxford’s research grants and contracts for 2007/8 was £285.3 million, which was
spent on (6)designing (design) cars, constructing air and space craft,
(7)developing (develop) new electronic devices.
a) Только квалифицированные специалисты работают в научноисследовательских институтах нашей страны.
Only qualified specialists work in scientific research institutes in our country
b) Мой брат уже получил степень магистра в университете Канады. Я
надеюсь, что через 2 года он будет кандидатом наук.
My brother has already got a master’s degree at a university in Canada. I hope that he will get his PhD in two years’ time
c) Иностранные партнеры нашего университета включают Технический
Университет в Мюнхене, Университет Брэдли в США, и другие. В настоящее
время университет развивает сотрудничество с некоторыми ВУЗами Китая.
Among foreign partners of our university there are Munich Technical University,
Bradley University in the USA and others. Our university is now fostering collaboration with some universities in China
d) Три года назад в студ.городке руководство университета построило
общежитие с превосходными условиями для молодых ученых.
The university authorities had a new hostel built on the campus three years ago. In the hostel there are excellent facilities for young scientists
e) Авиапарк университета – это прекрасная база для научных исследований и
There are airplanes at the university which are used for scientific research and development
f) Многие выпускники Самарского университета в настоящее время работают
в конструкторских бюро в России и за рубежом.
Many graduates of Samara University are now working in design departments in Russia and abroad
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