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28.12.2021 07:48 •  Английский язык

One/Ones This red jacket is Maria's and that green one is Andy's.
I've got lots of trainers, but these ones are my favourite.
Complete the sentences with one or ones.
1. A: Who's your daughter? Is she the girl with the fair hair?
B: No, no. My daughter's the tall ___ with the dark hair.
2. A: Why don't you try on those pink sandals?
B: I don't like them. I like the___
next to the black boots.
3. When you get to Kings Street, you'll see two supermarkets. I
work at the ___on the right.
4. All songs on this CD are great, but the last___ is fantastic!
5. Sue always wears big sunglasses like these​___


1. A: Who's your daughter? Is she the girl with the fair hair?

B: No, no. My daughter's the tall one with the dark hair.

2. A: Why don't you try on those pink sandals?

B: I don't like them. I like the ones

next to the black boots.

3. When you get to Kings Street, you'll see two supermarkets. I

work at the one on the right.

4. All songs on this CD are great, but the last one is fantastic!

5. Sue always wears big sunglasses like these ones

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1. While my mother was reading about the political situation in the country, I was studying its geographical location.  

2. The students were discussing the book the whole week.

3. My friends and I went to the sea a month ago.

4. She was watching TV at this time yesterday when suddenly she saw a stranger next to her house.

5. He was playing computer games from five till six yesterday.

6. Mike didn't sing any songs yesterday.

7. Pete was collecting his money to buy a parrot two months ago.

8. Did you visit the Temple during your trip to Tibet?

9. How many interesting films did you see last week?

10. She didn't clean the house because she was very tired yesterday.

11. The baby was sleeping the whole morning yesterday without waking up.

12. The cat was sitting in the garden while the farmer was planting the flowers.

13. Jack caught a couple of mice while he was cleaning his garage.

14. Mr and Mrs. Jones married twenty years ago.

15. While the pupils were going to school yesterday, they saw the accident.

16. While the lorry driver was shouting at the taxi driver, a truck hit the lorry.

17. When Ibn Batuta was twenty-one, he decided to visit Mecca.

18. The donkey was waiting for summer the whole month.

19. Andy washed up, dusted the furniture and went for a walk.

20. While the boy was reciting the poem, the teacher was listening to him very attentively but the other pupils were laughing and talking.

21. Last year she attended the IT classes.

22. While the shop-assistant was helping the client to choose the right size, a thief robbed the shop.

23. When the tourists reached the mountain, they were tired but happy.

24. I was watching the latest news when the telephone rang.

25. Did Tom take the medicine yesterday?

4,5(58 оценок)

Столько интересных книг можно найти в библиотеке, что иногда даже и не знаешь, что прочитать сейчас, а что потом. Я люблю ходить в библиотеки и находить там книгу, которая меня заинтересует уже тогда, когда я ее замечу издалека на полке; но мою самую любимую книгу я нашла не в библиотеке – мне ее принесла мама.

Это была большая, с темно-синей обложкой, книга Вениамина Каверина “Два капитана”, книга, о которой я ничего не слышала, как и не слышала ничего о самом авторе. С первых же страниц я увлеклась этой книгой и стала читать на одном дыхании. Оторвать меня от чтения было, наверное, невозможно. Наверное, все так читают свои любимые книги. Это была первая большая книга, которую я прочитала полностью, не пропустив ни странички, ни строчки. Содержание книги меня впечатлило. История жизни человека, который столько всего пережил, пережил Великую Отечественную Войну, сохранил свою любовь к одной единственной девушке, раскрыл историю экспедиции. Я считаю, что эта книга учит многому: как пережить боль, разочарования, предательство и не терять надежду на лучшее.

Книги – это источник знаний, это наш друг. А любимая книга – это то, что мы запомним и никогда больше не забудем, если только не найдем книгу, которую полюбим больше чем ту, первую любимую книгу, прочитанную еще в детстве. Любимой книгой становится только та, которую мы прочитываем от корки до корки, та, которую мы знаем практически наизусть. Для кого-то чтение книг – скучное занятие, а для кого то – хобби.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         So many interesting books can be found in the library that sometimes you do not even know what to read now and then. I like to go to libraries and find a book there that will interest me even when I notice it from afar on the shelf; but my favorite book I found not in the library – my mother brought it to me.

It was big, with dark blue cover, the book Veniamin Kaverin “Two captains”, the book, which I have not heard anything, nor heard anything about the author. From the first pages I became interested in this book and began to read in one breath. It was probably impossible to tear me away from reading. I guess everyone reads their favorite books like that. It was the first big book I read completely without missing a page or a line. The content of the book impressed me. The life story of a man who lived through so much, survived the great Patriotic War, kept his love for a single girl, revealed the history of the expedition. I believe that this book teaches a lot: how to survive the pain, frustration, betrayal and not to lose hope for the best.

Books are a source of knowledge, they are our friend. A favorite book-this is what we will remember and never forget, unless you find a book that will love more than that, the first favorite book, read as a child. Favorite book becomes only the one that we read from cover to cover, the one that we know almost by heart. For someone reading books is a boring occupation, and for someone – a hobby. But, anyway: everyone needs to read books!и читать нужно всем!

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