I agree with the statement.
Trains have a lot of benefits and probably they are the best transport now. First of all they use modern technologies such as traction elecric motors. These motors are very fuel effective, so using trains we save the world around us.
Of course the transport should be fast. And modern trains are very fast. German trains travel at 160 km/h. Some trains can reach more than 300 km/h.
Trains are quite comfortabe and it is very interesting to travel by trains because you can see buildings, parks, roads and other beautiful landscapes.
I like trains
Many people think that vegetarianism is "abusing your body"; "an unhealthy lifestyle". Other people believe that vegetarianism is due to the care about the preservation and promotion of health, and some others believe that vegetarians are people who have health problems. I will never become a vegetarian because I love meat and I love to eat it! I consider vegetarianism to be an unhealthy lifestyle.
Многие люди думают, что вегетарианство - это "злоупотребление своим телом"; "нездоровый образ жизни". Другие люди считают, что вегетарианство обусловлено заботой о сохранении и укреплении здоровья, а некоторые люди считают, что вегетарианцы - это люди, которые имеют проблемы со здоровьем. Я никогда не стану вегетарианцем, потому что люблю мясо и люблю его есть! Я считаю вегетарианство нездоровым образом жизни.