Of course, it is necessary!A small child, while only learning to speak, uses very simple words, consisting of repeated syllables: by-buy, yum-yum, av-av, etc. If it will be expressed in the same words for about 5 years, its peers will simply laugh at it. The little man grows up and goes to school. Every year, the school curriculum displays new and new subjects, each of which has its own terminology, and it must also be understood, remembered and used to the place.In addition, in our place, like our life is not worth it. Life develops - and language develops, new words appear in it. And it happens with great speed. And it's not enough just to memorize new words, you need to understand them, understand them at such a level, to be able to explain these words to other people. Very funny and stupid is a person who, wanting to appear clever, inserts neologisms into his speech and scientific terms does not understand their meaning.And in conclusion I can add: to think about how people who belong to different social strata talk. In which layer would you like to be?
A hobby is what people like to do in their spare time. I know a lot of different hobbies. My hobby is drawing. Usually people collect coats, stamps, figurines and more. I think the thematic gathering is called then when you collect something on one topic.
хобби - это то, чем люди любят увлекаться в свободное время. я знаю много разных хобби. мое хобби это рисование. обычно люди собирают манеты, марки, статуэтки и другое. я думаю тематическим собиранием называют тогда когда ты собираешь что-то на одну тему.