I haven't never played tennis before
tea is an evergreen plant. He was accidentally discovered by Emperor Shen Nung of China. Whilst on a trip he boiled a pot of water when the tea leaf fell into it British sailors, returning from the Far East, brought tea bags home as gifts for their relatives the first tea advertisement appeared in a newspaper called Mercurius Politicus in 1660 advertising in the newspaper said that tea could cure colds and other poor illnesses were willing to pay as much as a third of the weekly salary for tea was the most popular drink in the Britian for three hundred years the average Briton drinks thirty cups of tea a week. In fact, British imports of almost twenty-five percent of the total tea is exported to the world.
На юге Англии архитектор Элспет Бирд обзавелась весьма необычным домом. Это водонапорная башня, 130 футов* высотой. Этому дому уже 100 лет. На первом этаже находится приемная. Спальни находятся на первом, втором и третьем этажах. Во всех номерах есть собственные ванные комнаты. Кухня находится на четвертом этаже, а гостиная-на пятом. на каждый этаж ведут множество ступенек. Это отличный поддерживать себя в форме. Это цена, которую вы платите за то, чтобы жить высоко!
In the South of England, the architect Elspeth beard got a very unusual house. This is a water tower, 130 feet* high. This house is 100 years old. On the first floor there is a reception room. The bedrooms are located on the first, second and third floors. All rooms have a private bathroom. The kitchen is on the fourth floor, and the living room is on the fifth. there are many steps leading to each floor. This is a great way to keep fit. This is the price you pay for living
P.S. сократить тут мало что можно максимум там про количество ступенек и т.д.
Have I played tennis before?
Играл ли я раньше в теннис?