girl’s and girls’ - данные существительные стоят в притяжательном падеже (possessive case). Этот падеж сходен с Родительным падежом в русском языке. То есть существительные в possessive case будут отвечать на вопрос ЧЕЙ? (ЧЬЯ? ЧЬЁ? ЧЬИ?)
Если существительное употреблено в единственном числе, то добавляем ’s: the girl's book (книга девочки).
Если существительное употреблено во множественном числе, то добавляем только апостроф ’: girls ' books (книги девочек).
Gazzy Garcia, he is Lil Pump, was born on the 17th of August 2000, Miami, Florida, The USA. Lil Pump, an american raper, despite on his young age, is famous all over the world. The most popular work of the guy is "Gucci Gang". He has a big popularity thanks to singles "D Rose" and "Boss". When Garcia was a teenager, he was using marijuana and other forbidden drugs. He didn't care about his studying. He was kicked from the school for numerous violations from Garcia's site(fights and agressive behavior). Lil Pump confesses, that he never wanted to be a raper, everything happened by accident. He didn't bother about a semantic part of a text. Garcia is just giving a music to listener, under which people want to move(dance).
Gazzy Garcia, he is Lil Pump, was born on the 17th of August 2000, Miami, Florida, The USA. Lil Pump, an american raper, despite on his young age, is famous all over the world. The most popular work of the guy is "Gucci Gang". He has a big popularity thanks to singles "D Rose" and "Boss". When Garcia was a teenager, he was using marijuana and other forbidden drugs. He didn't care about his studying. He was kicked from the school for numerous violations from Garcia's site(fights and agressive behavior). Lil Pump confesses, that he never wanted to be a raper, everything happened by accident. He didn't bother about a semantic part of a text. Garcia is just giving a music to listener, under which people want to move(dance).
girl’s and girls’ - данные существительные стоят в притяжательном падеже (possessive case). Этот падеж сходен с Родительным падежом в русском языке. То есть существительные в possessive case будут отвечать на вопрос ЧЕЙ? (ЧЬЯ? ЧЬЁ? ЧЬИ?)
Если существительное употреблено в единственном числе, то добавляем ’s: the girl's book (книга девочки).
Если существительное употреблено во множественном числе, то добавляем только апостроф ’: girls ' books (книги девочек).