Weddings in Uzbekistan, famous for the abundance of delicious food and drinks served over several days, are among the most important events for the Uzbek family.
Even if the matchmaking is outside the country, the wedding should certainly be held in the homeland of the young, in Uzbekistan. This is a series of actions, several days before the newlyweds begin their life together, and the search for the bride is a special matter that the elders of the family are engaged in.
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More about saiga
Saigas live in a very large herds that usually can be found in steppes and possibly open
, eating various plants, including some poisonous to other animals. They can cover long distances and
across rivers, but they avoid hills or mountains. The saigas become extinct nowadays due to various reasons including people activity. Nowadays saigas can only be found in Kazakhstan, Kalmykia and Mongolia.
ответы в решотках
Bayanaul National Park is a national park of Kazakhstan located in Pavlodar region. There are four big freshwater
in the park – Sabyndykol, Jasybay, Toraygir and Byrzhankol. Also, there are many smaller lakes, which can dry in a hot season. The largest lake is Sabyndykol, which is called this way because of its soft water, which feels almost soapy. You can find forests, fields and valleys in this area.
.There are over 50 types of birds and over 40 types of animals live in this area. So, people can observe nature and enjoy a lot of fresh air. Also, people can have a good rest there, swim in the lakes, walk in the valleys and climb up the mountains.
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