Придумать текст про майкла джексона.когда он родился,когда умер.про его род занятий,чем он занимался.где он родился.ну и еще что нибудь,конечно на . ,голова вообще не думает: (
Michael Jackson was born in 1959. “The Jackson Five” first hit the charts with “I Want You Rack” in 1969 when Michael was only 10 years old! By 1981 he had released “Thriller” – the biggest selling solo album of all time. Jackson was rich beyond anybody’s imagination. Michael Jackson was not a typical teenager. Some people think he’s been trying to recreate hisjjost childhood ever since. We all know that Jackson has his own “Neverland” mansion, a private zoo and a pet chimpanzee called Bubbles. This is not so surprising. Jackson owns 250 songs written by Lennon and McCartney. He once signed a $28 million contract to promote sportswear. Surely a man who earns hundreds of dollars every minute is allowed to have expensive hobbies. But there is a sinister side to Jackson that the public and the media find harder to accept. Obsessed with.his image, he’s spent thousands of dollars on plastic surgery. There have been newspaper reports that he has taken hormone supplements that keep his singing voice high and used chemicals to turn his skin whiter. Jackson has always denied these allegations completely. It’s a fact that where there are stars there is always an opportunity for scandal. Right now it’s difficult for the public to know what to believe.
Наша деревня была не далеко от джунглей и каждую ночь я слышал странные звуки диких животных. Я хотел пойти туда в дневное время, но я боялся идти туда один. Никто не захотел пойти со мной. Народ сказал, что это была плохая идея. Однажды утром я решил отправиться туда в одиночку и найти бананы на завтрак. Погода была довольно приятная, и я был в настроении для новых приключений. Я вошел в джунгли. Было темно, так как солнце не могло пройти через толстые деревья. Я оглянулся и увидел обезьяну, которая ела банан. Там было много обезьян на деревьях, они кричали и прыгали как сумасшедшие существа. на самом деле я не люблю обезьян, их безумное поведение всегда действует мне на нервы. Так что я пошел вперед. Нежданно-негаданно я наткнулся на большую змею, которая свисала с дерева. К счастью, она спала, но я был напуган до смерти! Я нашел несколько бананов и сел на землю перекусить. Вдруг я услышал странный шум. Через несколько секунд большая горилла появилась между деревьями.
I. 1. The mail is delivered for this office twice a day. 2. This rule will be explained to us tomorrow. 3. This doctor is spoken about. 4. A telegram was not sent yesterday. 5. Bread is eaten every day. 6. We will be given with a new task tomorrow. 7. He was asked to bring a dictionary. 8. This text was translated at the last lesson. 9. The books are taken from the library. 10. The problem was discussed at our meeting last week.
II. 1. That book was returned by me two days ago. 2. A report will be made by him tomorrow. 3. A car is not driven by Nick. 4. The letter was signed by him yesterday. 5. English is spoken by many people today.
Michael Jackson was born in 1959. “The Jackson Five” first hit the charts with “I Want You Rack” in 1969 when Michael was only 10 years old! By 1981 he had released “Thriller” – the biggest selling solo album of all time. Jackson was rich beyond anybody’s imagination.
Michael Jackson was not a typical teenager. Some people think he’s been trying to recreate hisjjost childhood ever since. We all know that Jackson has his own “Neverland” mansion, a private zoo and a pet chimpanzee called Bubbles.
This is not so surprising. Jackson owns 250 songs written by Lennon and McCartney. He once signed a $28 million contract to promote sportswear. Surely a man who earns hundreds of dollars every minute is allowed to have expensive hobbies. But there is a sinister side to Jackson that the public and the media find harder to accept. Obsessed with.his image, he’s spent thousands of dollars on plastic surgery. There have been newspaper reports that he has taken hormone supplements that keep his singing voice high and used chemicals to turn his skin whiter. Jackson has always denied these allegations completely.
It’s a fact that where there are stars there is always an opportunity for scandal. Right now it’s difficult for the public to know what to believe.