. Griffin was a scientist. He had studied biology, chemistry and physics at the University and now wanted to start doing research and become famous. He was experimenting with light. The young scientist worked as a full-time assistant Professor in the laboratory, and spent all his time there. He made many experiments before he achieved results. Griffin was a real inventor - he could make any thing invisible (invisible). He thought he was going to get everything he wanted from his invention, so he made himself invisible. He wanted to present his discovery to the scientific world, but in order to do so, he had to be visible, and he could not do that. He was angry with people because no one had supported his experiments, and now he could not return to the real world. Griffin used his invention to destroy people. He became the "invisible man" and everyone was afraid of him. His discovery did not benefit the people.
"What does your older brother do?"
"He works as an accountant for a computer company.
"Does he work part-time?"
- No, he works Monday to Friday from 9 to 7.
"How long has he been there?"
"Three years."
"Does he like his job?"
"I think so, he earns well and has three weeks off every year. "What's his job?"
- He works with numbers, I don't know the details. I prefer to work with people. I think I'll be a teacher.
ответ:Политическая система Соединенных Штатов Америки
США - президентская республика. Президент здесь глава государства.
Конституция страны была принята отцами-основателями в 1787 году в Филадельфии. Так был сформулирован главный принцип американской свободы: равенство шансов людей. Американское правительство состоит из нескольких частей: администрации, Конгресса и Верховного суда. Администрация состоит из президента, вице-президента и кабинета министров с министрами департаментов в качестве министров.
Конгресс состоит из Сената с 100 членами и Палаты представителей с 435 членами - согласно размеру каждого государства. Конгресс принимает законы и обсуждает некоторые важные государственные во Затем они передают счета президенту. Последний может задержать счет.
Верховный суд состоит из девяти судей, избираемых на всю жизнь. Они могут объявить законы неконституционными, а также президентские акты.
Президент страны избирается населением, т.е. е. всеми людьми старше 18 лет. Кандидатом на этот пост должен быть гражданин США, родившийся в стране.
Президент назначает кабинет и обладает всей реальной властью в стране - он может объявлять войны и принимать все важные решения. Сенат утверждает президентские назначения.
Когда президент заболевает или умирает, его место занимает вице-президент. Так что это очень важный пост в стране.
1 Why has the term "computer" become a houshold word?
2. Is computer an integral part of buisness and industrial enterprises?
3. What does indicate the degree of the modernity of any field of human activity?
4. What do the computers represent?
5. What factor is needed for the efectively use of the hardware?
6. How many time does it take to prepare the computer programm?
7. Is the software as decisive as the hardware in obtaining solutions to problems?
8. how many types of electronic computers are there?
9. do these types have anything in common?
10. Can they be used in various fields?