1) India gained its independence after World War II .
2) This is the most successful presentation at the University.
3) My trousers are too long. I must shorten them.
4) He works quickly but carelessly so he makes a lot of mistakes.
5) Most people are satisfied with their living conditions.
6) His parents encourage him to take the exam.
7) His behaviour is so bad that even his parents can’t control him.
8) He watched the performance with obvious enjoyment.
9) The criminal situation in this area is too dangerous.
10) The results proved to be unpredictable. Nobody had expected this.
11) Popularity is the only thing he is looking for.
Для некоторых дружба оценивается только логическими схемами, а не ощущением единства. Тогда дружба — следствие общих интересов, личной симпатии, общих целей. Если они пропадают, то и проходит дружба. Но настоящая дружба никогда не заканчивается, она может изменяться, трансформироваться, но если было что-то близкое и настоящее с человеком, то оно всегда останется в душе.
Dlya some friendship valued logic circuits only, and not a sense of unity. Then friendship - a consequence of general interest, personal sympathy, common goals. If they disappear, then pass the friendship. But true friendship never ends, it can be changed, transformed, but if there was something intimate and present with the person, then it will always remain in my heart.
1.They have got many CDS.
2.My brother has not got a bike.
3.Ann and James have got a big dog.
4.I have not got a notebook in my bag.
надо была положит have got\has got ...have not got\has not got