My favorite tree is the cherry. Japanese cherry tree Prunus serrulata it is, Sakura is not just an ordinary tree, cherry tree is a symbol in the first place a symbol of Japan, and of course a symbol of beauty and youth. There are about 16 species and about 400 varieties of cherry, Sakura can be found everywhere in Japan, Sakura is insanely beautiful tree Sakura tree belongs to the family of pink trees, as called sakura blossoms of the trees. Sakura becomes really beautiful in spring when blooming, blooming flowers have color from bright pink to white, unfortunately annual flowering cherry lasts, only no more than nedeli.Plod cherry is a drupe black sakuramb size of 8-10 mm, saline sakuryispolzuyutsya leaves and flowers for food. Of course, as the famous cherry-known symbol of Japan, and has long been revered plant in Japan. There is even a Japanese national tradition admiring the flowers, the most famous tree is the cherry during the flowering. In Japan, Sakura can be found literally everywhere, in villages, in cities in urban areas. Moreover, the Japanese cherry blossoms, is a real national holiday. Weather forecasters make predictions whole timing of flowering cherry. The news is tracked annually cherry blossom front, then, how's the beginning of flowering in the south to the north of the country. It was under the Japanese cherry tree were written by well-known "chain of poems" - renga. After all, cherry blossoms have inspired poets, composing verses together, round. Indeed cherry blossom is something unusual, tree blossoms in a new unusual color, and this insanely beautiful. Everyone knows, and madly beautiful Japanese Sakura tree.
Листья играют на ветру,души на деревьях- Слышишь как дразнят они тебя в весельях? Я...я в воздухе парю, это жизнь без нервных пробежек Везде любовь и сейчас вокруг полно усмешек Это сон...сон,в ночь середины лета, превратился в серебро,на короле одето. Листья играю на ветру , души в деревьях, Я.. Я в воздухе парю, это жизнь без нервных пробежек Это сон , сон в ночь середины лета, пустившийся под самотек, Ночью звезды светят вверху, как огонь пролитый на свету Все чудесно-чудесно все волшебно-волшебно все незабываемо!
не понял но бы честно