1. She had to ( глагол to have to, как и глагол to be to = должен - является эквивалентом глагола must и взят здесь вместо него в времени, т.к. у самого глагола must есть всего одна форма и чтобы сказать должен был в предложении взят эквивалент в времени- had to). leave her book at home because she was in a hurry. (То есть надо здесь сказуемое - эквивалент had to - должен был, поменять на другой эквивалент to be to в форме времени - was to , от глагола must -должен,должна ) 2. He could obtain divorce last year. ( У глагола can - эквивалент -глагол to be able to: изменяем его на was able to) 3. Tim may come home very late last night. (may = эквивалент - to be allowed to;меняем глагол may на эквивалент is allowed to, так как подлежащее в предложении стоит в 3лице, ед. числа) 4. He could not go to the concert 2 days ago. (to be able to меняем на форму времени в единственном числе - wasn't able to)
1) I couldn’t work last night. I was too tired 2) Can you turn the radio up, please? It isn’t loud enough 3) I don’t want to walk home. It is too far 4) Don’t buy anything in that shop. It is too expensive 5) You can’t put all your things in this bag. It is not big enough 6) I couldn’t do the exercise. It was too difficult 7) Your work needs to be better. It isn’t good enough 8) I can’t talk to you now. I am too busy 9) I thought the film was boring. It was too long 10) I can’t carry this box. It is too heavy