If my friend was from another planet, I would have probably very scared at first, because it is unknown what powers he may possess. Perhaps he will harm not only to me but to the entire planet? But the alien, for sure, would have quickly convinced me that he was very nice and even useful, because it can grant wishes and read minds.
Думаю это сойдет :з
This is my space monster.
It is funny and nice.
He is clever and strong .
He has got some speical powers.
He has got four big ears, three kind eyes, a long nose and a big mouth.
His hair is short. He has got four legs, two hands and a lot of teeth.
He has got four fingers and three toes. I like this space monster.
Это мой космический монстр. Он смешной и милый.
Он умный и сильный . У него есть особые
У него четыре больших уха, три добрых глаза, длинный нос и большой рот.
У него короткие волосы. У него четыре ноги, две руки и много зубов.
У него по четыре пальца на руках и по три пальца на ногах.
Мне нравится этот космический монстр.