I am very sorry that we can't meet. I would very much like this, but if it so happened, I wish you a good time in my town. And I'll tell you what it is worth a visit, see and try to make this trip was not forgotten. And you came to visit us again, then I would personally conducted an excursion. Now listen carefully and remember
My favourite pet is my little cat. Its name is Musya. Her colour is white, grey and a little reddish. She has very sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I take care of my cat. She has soft fluffy fur. She cleans it by her selves, but I also keep her neat and clean. I feed Musya healthy dry food and milk, but she also likes fish and meat. She is playful. Sometimes she is scratching me with her claws. Musya likes to go out in our garden where she eats some grass and climbs a tree. Sometimes she catches mice or birds. I like playing with my cat very much.
Мой любимый питомец — моя маленькая кошка. Ее зовут Муся. Она белая с серым и рыжеватым. У нее очень острые зубы и желтые глаза. Я забочусь о своей кошке. У нее мягкий пушистый мех. Она чистит его сама, но я тоже держу ее в чистоте и порядке. Я кормлю Мусю здоровым сухим кормом и молоком, но она также любит рыбу и мясо. Она игривая. Она иногда царапает меня своими когтями. Муся любит ходить на улицу в нашем саду, где она ест траву, лазит на дерево. Иногда она ловит мышей или птиц. Мне очень нравится играть с моей кошкой.
I am very sorry that we can not meet. I would really like it, but if there were circumstances, have a good time in my city. I prompt, it's worth a visit, see and taste to this journey was not forgotten. And you came to us again, then I would have led the tour. Now listen carefully and Memorize